In August 2013, a bat research team of Prince of Songkla Universityin collaboration with the staff of the Hala-Bala Wildlife Research Station have undertook a bat survey in the Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, Narathiwat Province, Thailand. In the survey, an adult male of K. krauensis was captured by harp trap set in the patch of forest understorey. This is the first record of this species outside of its known location, Krau Wildlife Research, Peninsular Malaysia, and represents a range extension northwards of 254 km. This discovery suggests that the species it more widespread than previous thought, but also confirm that it appear to live in very low population densities in comparison to other Kerivoula.
Bounsavane Douangboubpha, Sara Bumrungsri, Pipat Soisook, Sunate Karapan & Paul J J Bates (2014). The discovery of Kerivoula krauensis in southern peninsular Thailand provides new information on the distribution and conservation status of this data deficient species. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 36: 577-582. The article can be downloaded here.