Date:July 01, 2013


Despite their contribution to regional biodiversity, their ecological and economic importance, and their imperiled status, public awareness of the conservation and economic value of bats in Southeast Asia is extremely low, and myths and prejudice abound. Consequently one of the objectives of the SEABCRU is to facilitate the development and implementation of outreach programs.

Because of the cultural diversity of Southeast Asia, the SEABCRU does not intend to design a regional outreach program. Rather we make available materials developed by individual initiatives from member countires. The similarities among taxa and the key cosnervation issues across the region are such that outreach workers should have relatively little difficulty adapting materials to their specific locality.

Materials provided here are intended to be available for download and general use. Do please give credit to the authors if they request it, and if you adapt materials (perhaps translate into a different language, or use different bats) it would be great if you can share them with us at this site. If you have existing materials you’d like to share *please* contact me at tigga (dot) kingston (at) ttu (dot) edu and if you use materials, we would love to hear how you used them. We will be adding materials quite regularly, so check back often!

Materials will be organized by country of origin.






And from our friends outside Southeast Asia:
